Operative groups as therapeutic for providing healthy habits in diabetic elderly people: an integrative review





Health Services for the Aged, Habits, Diabetes Mellitus, Therapeutics, Group Processes


Objective: The purpose of the present study was to carry out an integrative literature review in order to understand the operative groups as a therapeutic to promote healthy habits with elderly diabetics. Methods: It was made a search of the references in the CAPES Periodicals, Google Scholar and PubMed databases in September 2021. The search allowed the identification of eight papers that met the established criteria. Results: 50% mentioned the promotion of health for the elderly throughout education in health, 25% mentioned that group activities contribute to self-care and autonomy of those living with diabetes mellitus and 25% reported to the operative groups as an opportunity for the active participation of all those present. Conclusion: The operative groups are transformative for the practices of awareness and empowerment of the diabetic elderly, for it contributes to their autonomy, making them co-responsible in their illness and care process. Beyond that, it reinforces the need for more studies with the theme aimed at elderly diabetics due to the shortage found.

Author Biographies

Mayara Patrícia do Nascimento Ferreira

 Assistant nurse at UPA Santo Amaro, Nurse supporting Primary Care, Municipal Health Department-Vicência – Specialist in Public Health – IESC - Specialist in Family Health – UFPE

Islane Cristina Martins

PhD in Neurosciences – UFPE Graduate Program – Cidade Universitária, Recife – PE


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How to Cite

Mayara Patrícia do Nascimento Ferreira, & Islane Cristina Martins. (2022). Operative groups as therapeutic for providing healthy habits in diabetic elderly people: an integrative review. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(75), 10067–10076. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2022v12i75p10067-10076



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