Epidemiological aspects of maternal mortality in northeastern Brazil





Women’s health, Pregnancy, Epidemiology


Objectives: This study aims to construct an epidemiological profile with exposure of social and health care factors related to the permanence of high maternal mortality rates in the region. In favor of discussion in the academic community and directing public policies. Method: This is an epidemiological study of retrospective and quantitative character, based on the data collected in the DATASUS platform, through SIM, from 2009 to 2019, tabulating data in Excel in the form of tables. Result: Deaths prevailed in 2009 (10%), in Bahia (25%), in the brown race (66.37%), between 20 and 29 years (40.39%), in single women (48%), in the puerperium (48.52%), in the hospital environment (89.31%), because of direct obstetric causes (69.1%) and 23% by the ICD category O99. Conclusion: It is expected that the results of this study contribute to better targeting of public policies to reduce maternal deaths.

Author Biographies

Bianca Marques de Sousa

Medical student at Unifacid University Center

Eulalia Barbosa da Paz Neta

Medical student at Unifacid University Center

Ana Paula Leal Lisboa

Medical student at Unifacid University Center

Andreza Alves da Silva

Graduanda de Medicina no Centro Universitário Unifacid

Lucas Luan Gonçalves Barros Leal

Medical student at Unifacid University Center

Mayara Ladeira Coêlho

Professor of the Medicine Course and Master's Degree in Biotechnology at Unifacid Wyden University Center. PhD in Biotechnology from the Northeast Biotechnology Network - RENORBIO and Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI.


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How to Cite

Marques de Sousa, B., Barbosa da Paz Neta, E., Leal Lisboa, A. P., Alves da Silva, A. ., Gonçalves Barros Leal, L. L. ., & Ladeira Coêlho, M. . (2022). Epidemiological aspects of maternal mortality in northeastern Brazil. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(76), 10520–10529. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2022v12i76p10520-10529



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