Prevention and risk of falls in the elderly in the home environment: Construction and validation of educational material




Teaching Materials, Validation Studies, Nursing, Educational technology


Objective: to build and validate an educational booklet for the prevention of falls in the elderly in the home environment. Method: Methodological study, through the construction and validation of an educational booklet for the prevention and risk of falls in the elderly. According to the steps: systematization of content; creation of illustrations, composition of the booklet and validation of the material created by professionals specialized in the health of the elderly. Based on the model proposed by Pasquali (2010) and legitimized through the Content Validity Index. Result: The content was divided into two topics: “Fall risk situation” which presents the definition and characterization of falls and the “Safe house” containing tips to keep the environment of the home for the elderly safe. Conclusion: The educational material was proposed as a guide so that it can be used both in homes and in health centers and long-stay institutions, as a source of guidance and information about the elderly population.

Author Biographies

Bárbara Amaral Bustamante Mendes

Nursing student at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro. Cruzeiro - ESC, Cruzeiro - São Paulo - Brazil.

Leonardo Bastos De Oliveira Silva

Nursing student at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro. Cruzeiro - ESC, Cruzeiro - São Paulo - Brazil.

Fabiano Fernandes de Oliveira

Nurse, Master and Doctoral Student in Nursing by the Postgraduate Program, Academic Doctoral Course at Universidade Estadual Paulista – “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP - Botucatu, São Paulo - Brazil. Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro – ESC, Cruzeiro, São Paulo - Brazil.


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How to Cite

Bustamante Mendes, B. A., De Oliveira Silva, L. B., & Fernandes de Oliveira , F. (2022). Prevention and risk of falls in the elderly in the home environment: Construction and validation of educational material. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(79), 11009–11024.



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