In reception with risk classification: Integrative literature review




Nurse, Screening, Welcome


Objective: To understand the importance of qualified listening and the contribution of nurses to the implementation of the risk classification system in Urgent and Emergency units. Method: This is an integrative review of the last 2011 and 2021, of the following databases: SciELO, VHL, LILACS and Google Scholar. Where 8 articles on the subject in question were studied. Results: The studies showed that in the daily life of the nurse in the risk classification, daily obstacles are faced, which are present from the implementation of resources to the lack of them, in addition to carrying out training with the team, management activities, supervision and care in health. Conclusion: Concluding that the nurse, care manager is the professional who has technical and scientific competence to carry out the process of classifying patients according to the degree of urgency of their condition.

Author Biographies

Debora Evelly da Silva Olanda

Nurse. Postgraduate in urgency and emergency and Intensive Care Unit at the Brazilian Faculty of Teaching Research and Extension. University Center of João Pessoa- Unipê.

Gabrielly Oliveira de Souza

Nurse at Faculdade Santa Emília de Rodat. Currently Postgraduate Student in Emergency and Intensive Care Unit at the São Vicente de Paula Nursing School.

Amanda Lucena da Silva

Nurse. Postgraduate student in Urgency and Emergency and Intensive Care Unit. University Center of João Pessoa- Unipê.

Maria Gabriella Lacerda Sales

Bachelor of Physiotherapy. Mauritius College of Nassau.

Lutigard Feitosa Rodrigues

Nurse graduated from the Federal University of Paraíba. Specialist in palliative care from the Federal University of Paraíba/UFPB.


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How to Cite

da Silva Olanda, D. E., Oliveira de Souza, G., Lucena da Silva, A., Lacerda Sales, M. G., & Feitosa Rodrigues, L. (2022). In reception with risk classification: Integrative literature review. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(79), 11035–11044.



Artigos Cientí­ficos