Monitoring the healing of diabetic ulcers in the primary network of Salvador-Bahia




Community Health Nursing, Diabetes Mellitus, Primary Health Care, Diabetic Foot, Diabetic Neuropathies


Objective: To describe the healing and treatment outcomes of diabetic ulcers with the use of special dressings in patients treated in the dressing rooms of primary healthcare units in Salvador-Bahia. Method: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study that followed 19 patients, over 18 years of age, from October 2017 to September 2018. Seven patients evolved with a cure, considering one death and the others were excluded from the sample due to irregularity in scheduled returns. Results: The etiology of the ulcers were neuroischemic and neuropathic, trauma was the main cause of emergence, all patients had signs of infection with mild classification, which revealed the importance of early intervention for the infection. The initial size of the lesions ranged from four cm2 to 16 cm2. The mean percentage of ulcer diameter reduction was 36% in the first four weeks. Covers were used: polyurethane foam with and without ionic silver; hydrofiber with and without ionic silver; compress with solid vaseline and iodine cadexomer, in addition to clinical and surgical interventions, such as the use of antibiotics, instrumental debridement and hyperbaric oxygen therapy that helped in the healing outcome between three to six months. Conclusion: The dressings and supporting treatments, as well as educational actions and multidisciplinary monitoring contributed to complete healing. The study reveals that the Nurse must be attentive to the favorable evolution of ulcers in the first four weeks, which helps in the evolution of healing in the referred period.

Author Biographies

Ana Paula Fernandes

Nurse at the Municipal Health Department, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Specialist in Stomatherapy from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences. Specialist in intensive care and hospital administration from the Federal University of Bahia.

Rose Ana Rios David

Professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Nurse and PhD in Nursing

Cláudia Silva Marinho

Professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Nurse and PhD in Sciences.

Fernanda Araújo Valle Matheus

Professor at the State University of Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. Nurse and PhD in Nursing and Health.

Renata da Silva Schulz

Nurse and PhD in Nursing and Health.

Gilcimeire Santa Rosa Costa

Assistant Nurse at the Professor Edgard Santos University Hospital, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Specialist in ICU Nursing

Jean Carla de Lima

Health Auditor at the Health Department of the State of Bahia.

Naiara Costa Salvador Ribeiro da Silva

Assistant Nurse at the Professor Edgard Santos University Hospital, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, A. P., Rios David, R. A., Silva Marinho, C., Araújo Valle Matheus, F., da Silva Schulz, R., Santa Rosa Costa, G., de Lima, J. C., & Costa Salvador Ribeiro da Silva, N. (2022). Monitoring the healing of diabetic ulcers in the primary network of Salvador-Bahia. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(80), 11434–11449.



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