The orphans pandemic: Terminality, Death and Grief in the time of COVID-19: Nurses' experiences




Death, Mourning, Nursing, Coronavirus infections, Pandemics


Objective: To investigate and describe feelings, attitudes and experiences of nurses in the face of terminality, finitude, death/dying and grief in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This is a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach, carried out between January and March 2022, in which the thematic oral history method was adopted. For the appreciation and evaluation of the data, the content analysis referenced by Bardin was used. Result: Three central categories emerged: Main challenges and feelings in the face of death by COVID-19. Central Category. Nurses' weaknesses in approaching families and patients; Experiences and concerns of nurses in the face of care at the time of death. Conclusion: According to these experiences, dealing with the process of death proved to be a daily challenge for these professionals, due to the little information about this disease, as well as trying to clarify the protocols for family members regarding visits and proximity to hospitalized patients. contaminated.

Author Biographies

Guadalupe da Silva Herculano

Nurse graduated from Escola Superior de Cruzeiro–ESC, Cruzeiro–São Paulo – Brazil.

Roberta Villela Serpa

Nurse graduated from Escola Superior de Cruzeiro–ESC, Cruzeiro–São Paulo – Brazil.

Fabiano Fernandes de Oliveira

Nurse, Master and PhD student in Nursing by the Graduate Program, Academic Doctorate Course at the São Paulo State University – “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP - Botucatu, São Paulo - Brazil. Professor of the Graduate Course in Nursing at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro – ESC, Cruzeiro, São Paulo - Brazil.


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How to Cite

da Silva Herculano, G., Villela Serpa, R., & Fernandes de Oliveira, F. (2022). The orphans pandemic: Terminality, Death and Grief in the time of COVID-19: Nurses’ experiences. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(83), 11260–12071.



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