The importance of breasting in maternal health care: breastfeeding care in different scenarios


  • Bárbara Peixoto Dantas
  • Kennia Rodrigues Tassara
  • Pedro Henrique Ataides de Moraes
  • Ricardo Ansaloni de Oliveira
  • Lí­via Vieira Simões Ansaloni



Breastfeeding, Health education, Maternal and child health, Nursing care and newborn


Objective: The objective of the study is to demonstrate and analyze the importance of the nurse in breastfeeding assistance. Method: This is a systematic review of literature from the analysis of scientific outputs published in the period 2013 to 2020, researched in the databases: Lilacs, SciELO, BDENF and MEDLINE indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Abstract: The nurse should strive to assist the puerperals immediately to ensure success in the breastfeeding process, teaching the correct handle and thus preventing mastitis and mammary traumas, since they are the most observed intercurrences in the first days of adaptation of breastfeeding. Conclusion: In short, the nursing professional has scientific and critical knowledge about breastfeeding. In this way, they must face the different scenarios guaranteeing breastfeeding.

Author Biographies

Bárbara Peixoto Dantas

Nurse - Graduated from the University Center of Goiatuba - UNICERRADO. Postgraduate student in Urgency and Emergency.

Kennia Rodrigues Tassara

Nurse. Specialist in Urgency and Emergency. Professor at the University Center of Goiatuba – UNICERRADO.

Pedro Henrique Ataides de Moraes

Graduating in Medicine – UNICERRADO.

Ricardo Ansaloni de Oliveira

Physical educator. Master from the Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro - UFTM. Professor at the University Center of Goiatuba – UNICERRADO.

Lí­via Vieira Simões Ansaloni

Nurse. Specialist in Occupational Nursing and Obstetrics. Guiding professor at the University Center of Goiatuba – UNICERRADO.



How to Cite

Peixoto Dantas, B. ., Rodrigues Tassara, K. ., Ataides de Moraes, P. H. ., Ansaloni de Oliveira, R. ., & Vieira Simões Ansaloni, L. . (2020). The importance of breasting in maternal health care: breastfeeding care in different scenarios . Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(57), 3417–3428.



Artigos Cientí­ficos