Maternal challenges in care for the child with intestinal ostomy grounding the proposal of a booklet




Child, Ostomy, Anus, Imperforate, Congenital abnormalities, Mother-Child Relations


Objective: To describe the challenges faced by mothers in caring for their children with an intestinal ostomy, proposing an educational booklet. Method: Descriptive exploratory qualitative study, with twelve mothers in a Specialized Reference Unit service. It was collected in January and February 2018 by semi-structured interview and subsequent three-step content analysis. Result: The following emerged: 1) Overcoming the fear of taking care of the ostomy; 2) Learn step by step how to change the equipment; 3) Overcoming the lack of guidance; and 4) Need to have educational material. The booklet had 19 sheets and color images, being divided into seven parts, instructing the exchange, hygiene and explaining adjuvants and accessories. Conclusion: The educational actions provided by nurses at the tertiary level are still insufficient. It is expected that the co-production of the booklet will contribute to both mothers and professionals, aiming at the quality of life and the insertion of the child with ostomy.

Author Biographies

Sandra Regina Monteiro Ferreira

Nurse, Master by the Health, Environment and Society Graduate Program at the Federal University of Pará

Antonio Jorge Silva Correa Júnior

Nurse, PhD student in Sciences at the Fundamental Nursing program at EERP/USP

André Aparecido da Silva Teles

Nurse, PhD in Sciences from the Fundamental Nursing program at EERP/USP

Janderson Cleiton Aguiar

Nurse, PhD student in Sciences at the Fundamental Nursing program at EERP/USP

Helena Megumi Sonobe

Nurse, PhD from the Fundamental Nursing program at EERP/USP

Mary Elizabeth de Santana

Nurse, PhD in Nursing from the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

Monteiro Ferreira, S. R., Silva Correa Júnior, A. J., Aparecido da Silva Teles, A., Cleiton Aguiar, J., Megumi Sonobe, H., & de Santana, M. E. (2022). Maternal challenges in care for the child with intestinal ostomy grounding the proposal of a booklet. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(83), 11234–12047.



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