Effect of attitudes and empowerment for self-care in diabetes mellitus





Diabetes mellitus type 2, Self care, Attitude, Health education, Primary health care


Objective: to individually verify whether the changes that occurred for the variables Psychological Attitudes and Empowerment in the participants in an education program for the development of self-care in diabetes can be justified by the intervention. Method: a quasi-experimental study of pre- and post-intervention assessment with 72 participants with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The dependent variables were Psychological Attitudes and Empowerment and the independent variable, group education. The reliable change rate and clinical significance, proposed by the JT Method. Results: the reliable change rate for attitude showed significant clinical change for 61.1% (44) of the participants, while for empowerment, the improvement occurred for only 36.1% (26). As for clinical significance, there were no improvements attributed to the intervention for attitude and empowerment. Conclusion: the improvement in the participants' psychological attitudes scores was attributed to the intervention, indicating that the user developed the skills to self-care.

Author Biographies

Daniel Nogueira Cortez

Nurse, PhD, Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of São João del Rei/Campus Centro Oeste, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais.

Débora Aparecida Silva Souza

Nurse, Master in Health Education and Nursing. Professor at the University of the State of Minas Gerais. Divinópolis Unit, Minas Gerais.

Andreza Oliveira-Cortez

Nurse, PhD, Federal University of São João del Rei/Campus Centro Oeste, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais.

Ilka Afonso Reis

Statistics, PhD, Professor, Department of Statistics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

Heloisa de Carvalho Torres

Nurse, Post-Doctor, Professor, Department of Applied Nursing, School of Nursing, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Nogueira Cortez, D., Silva Souza, D. A., Oliveira-Cortez, A., Afonso Reis, I., & de Carvalho Torres, H. (2022). Effect of attitudes and empowerment for self-care in diabetes mellitus. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(80), 11302–11317. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2022v12i80p11302-11317



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