Interprofessional practices in health na nursing in the emergency care unit: intergrative review


  • Luciene Marques de Aquino
  • Ruth Eugênia de Campos Curvo Magalhães
  • Roselma Marcele da Silva Alexandre Kawakami
  • Samira Rodrigues Mendes Romão
  • Simone Cardoso da Silva
  • Valquiria Fabiana Correa Santos



Interprofessional relations, Cooperative behavior, Patient care team, Nursing, Emergencies


Objective: To identify the interprofessional practices in health and nursing that can be developed in the emergency care unit, as evidenced in the literature. Method: An integrative review research was conducted, limited in articles from 2015 to 2020, in the electronic library of the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (BIREME), in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Sciences database da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem online (MEDLINE), using the descriptors "interprofessional relations" "cooperative behavior" "patient care team" "nursing" and "Emergencies". Being done the isolated research and the crossing between them. Data analysis and discussion were based on the literature review. Results: 143 articles were found, of which 10 articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected. Conclusion: The interprofessional work in health and nursing allows user, professional satisfaction and quality care.

Author Biographies

Luciene Marques de Aquino

Nursing student at the University Center of Várzea Grande (UNIVAG).

Ruth Eugênia de Campos Curvo Magalhães

Nursing student at the University Center of Várzea Grande (UNIVAG).

Roselma Marcele da Silva Alexandre Kawakami

Nurse. Specialist in Auditing of Health Services. Specialist in Health Surveillance. Master of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. Currently teaching at Centro Universitário-UNIVAG.

Samira Rodrigues Mendes Romão

Nursing student at the University Center of Várzea Grande (UNIVAG).

Simone Cardoso da Silva

Nursing student at the University Center of Várzea Grande (UNIVAG).

Valquiria Fabiana Correa Santos

Nursing student at the University Center of Várzea Grande (UNIVAG).



How to Cite

Marques de Aquino, L. ., de Campos Curvo Magalhães , R. E. ., da Silva Alexandre Kawakami, R. M. ., Rodrigues Mendes Romão, S. ., Cardoso da Silva , S. ., & Correa Santos , V. F. . (2020). Interprofessional practices in health na nursing in the emergency care unit: intergrative review. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(58), 3981–3992.



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