Extracorporeal circulation: perception of undergraduates about the nurse's performance


  • Wanessa de Araújo Evangelista
  • Eduarda Ellen Costa Vasconcelos
  • Dayse Gadioli Cavalcante de Brito
  • Érica Dioní­sia de Lacerda
  • Luana Gomes Leitão Rodrigues
  • Karla Maria Duarte Silva




Nursing, Cardiac surgery, Extracorporeal circulation, Student


Objective: to evaluate the perception of nursing students about the role of nurses in cardiopulmonary bypass. Method: this is an exploratory study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in a higher education institution, in a municipality in Paraibano, with nursing students. Data collection was carried out in May 2019, using the questionnaire technique. The data were quantified and presented by means of a table and table, by frequency and percentage analysis, which are discussed in the light of the current literature. Results: From the data compilation, the following discussion axes were constructed: Axis 1- Sociodemographic data, Axis 2- Knowledge about the ECC theme, Axis 3- Nurses' performance in ECC. Conclusion: The knowledge of undergraduate students on the subject is incipient, and it is necessary to insert the theme in the curriculum of the undergraduate nursing course

Author Biographies

Wanessa de Araújo Evangelista

Nurse (UNINASSAU João Pessoa), Post-graduate student in Emergency and ICU (FESVIP), Post-graduate student in Surgical Instrumentation, Surgical Center and Material and Sterilization Center (FAVENI).

Eduarda Ellen Costa Vasconcelos

Nurse. University Center of João Pessoa Unipê. Post-graduate student in Gerontology by the Excellence Cursos group.

Dayse Gadioli Cavalcante de Brito

Nurse. University Center of João Pessoa Unipê.

Érica Dioní­sia de Lacerda

Nurse by the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Postgraduate student in obstetric nursing and neonatology by Facene.

Luana Gomes Leitão Rodrigues

Nurse. University Center of João Pessoa Unipê.

Karla Maria Duarte Silva

Nursing Graduate Program at the Federal University of Paraí­ba. Master in Nursing from UFPB.



How to Cite

Evangelista, W. de A., Costa Vasconcelos, E. E. ., Cavalcante de Brito, D. G. ., de Lacerda, Érica D. ., Gomes Leitão Rodrigues, L. ., & Duarte Silva, K. M. . (2021). Extracorporeal circulation: perception of undergraduates about the nurse’s performance. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(62), 5050–5061. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2021v11i62p5050-5061



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