Historical and vulnerability factors associated with transmission of leprosy in Brazil


  • Mariana Montalvão Silvestre
  • Fernanda Rebouças Pereira
  • Rafael Attiê Pennacchi
  • Arlindo Gomes de Macêdo Junior UFOB




Leprosy, Policy, Vulnerability, Streaming


Objective: The study aimed to describe the role of the history of public policies and of vulnerability factors still associated with leprosy transmission in Brazil. Method: This is a descriptive study through a bibliographic review based on the search for articles from the last 20 years in databases. Results: It was found that biological, clinical, socioeconomic and political factors are still relevant to maintaining high rates and physical disabilities associated with leprosy in the country. Conclusion: The authors recommend to achieve the objectives proposed by the World Health Organization for the elimination of leprosy, a multiprofessional approach, with actors from the areas of health, human and exact, in integrated actions between primary care, health surveillance and public policy managers.

Author Biographies

Mariana Montalvão Silvestre

Graduated in medicine at the Federal University of Western Bahia. Collaborator in the research group Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (DIP).

Fernanda Rebouças Pereira

Student of the undergraduate medical course at the Federal University of Western Bahia. Collaborator in the research group Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (DIP).

Rafael Attiê Pennacchi

Student of the undergraduate medical course at the Federal University of Western Bahia.

Arlindo Gomes de Macêdo Junior, UFOB

Graduated in Biomedicine at the State University of Santa Cruz - UESC. Master and PhD in Applied Immunology and Parasitology at the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU. He is currently Adjunct Professor C at the Federal University of Western Bahia and coordinator of the Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (DIP) research group.



How to Cite

Montalvão Silvestre, M. ., Rebouças Pereira, F. ., Attiê Pennacchi, R. ., & Gomes de Macêdo Junior, A. (2021). Historical and vulnerability factors associated with transmission of leprosy in Brazil. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(66), 6369–6380. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2021v11i66p6369-6380



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