Quality of life and subjective well-being of the elderly in the health academy program


  • Marieli Basso Bolpato
  • Sebastião Bení­cio da Costa Neto
  • Ivone Félix Sousa




Quality of life, Motor activity, Health of the Elderly, Psychology


Objective: to survey the sociodemographic profile and the conditions of quality of life and subjective well-being of elderly participants in health academies, investigating the significant correlations between these data. Method: This is a cross-sectional study carried out in the municipality of Sinop, Mato Grosso, with 82 elderly people, in January 2019, using the following instruments: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, WHOQOL-bref, and the scales: Life satisfaction , Well-Being of Positive and Negative Affections and Subjective Happiness. Results: The better the QOL in the physical domain, the better the QOL in the psychological, social relations, environment, perception of general QOL, satisfaction with health and BES related to life satisfaction, positive affections and happiness, even that causality cannot be affirmed in these relationships. Conclusion: The Health Academy is of paramount importance in contributing to a healthy aging of the population, becoming a strategy for prevention and promotion of public policies aimed at the elderly population.

Author Biographies

Marieli Basso Bolpato

Nurse and Physiotherapist. PhD student in Psychology, Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, MT, Brazil.

Sebastião Bení­cio da Costa Neto

PhD in Psychology from the University of Brasí­lia (UnB). Post-doctorate from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2007) and the University of Minho (2018).

Ivone Félix Sousa

Psychologist. Master in Psychology, Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, Goiânia (GO) Brazil.



How to Cite

Basso Bolpato, M. ., Bení­cio da Costa Neto , S. ., & Félix Sousa, I. . (2021). Quality of life and subjective well-being of the elderly in the health academy program. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(62), 5212–5223. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2021v11i62p5212-5223



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