Evaluation of the social demographic and clinical profile of patients candidate for bariatric surgery


  • Jessica Dantas Pessoa Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau
  • Jéssica Fernanda Freire da Silva Gaudêncio Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau
  • Karyne Kirley Negromonte Gonçalves Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau
  • Bruno Felipe Novaes de Souza Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau
  • Maria Conceição Alexandre Castro Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau
  • Terezinha Lima Barbosa de Oliveira Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau




Bariatric Surgery, Obesity, Nursing


Objective: to evaluate the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients who are candidates for bariatric surgery. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out with candidates to the bariatric surgery process in a hospital in Recife, Pernambuco, through individual interviews. The sample consisted of 120 individuals. Descriptive statistics was applied for data analysis. Results: the profile found was made up of female patients (78.3%), white (56.7%), single (50.0%), with a mean age of 35.8 years and a weight of 126, 6 kg. The use of weight loss medications before surgery occurred in 79.2% of the participants and the use of a diet for weight control in 98.3%. At least one comorbidity was observed in 89.1% of the patients, the main ones being hepatic steatosis, low back pain and arterial hypertension. Conclusion: most patients had risk factors for obesity and sought surgery for health reasons, after trying non-surgical methods.

Author Biographies

Jessica Dantas Pessoa, Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau

Nursing Student at the Maurí­cio de Nassau University Center. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Jéssica Fernanda Freire da Silva Gaudêncio, Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau

Nursing Student at the Maurí­cio de Nassau University Center. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Karyne Kirley Negromonte Gonçalves, Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau

Nurse, Master in Nursing and Professor at the Maurí­cio de Nassau University Center. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Bruno Felipe Novaes de Souza, Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau

Nurse, Master in Nursing and Professor at the Maurí­cio de Nassau University Center. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Maria Conceição Alexandre Castro, Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau

Nurse, Master in Parasitic Biology and Professor at the Maurí­cio de Nassau University Center. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Terezinha Lima Barbosa de Oliveira , Centro Universitário Maurí­cio de Nassau

Nurse, Specialist in Occupational Nursing and Nursing Coordinator at the Maurí­cio de Nassau University Center. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.


2021-08-02 — Updated on 2021-11-12


How to Cite

Dantas Pessoa, J., Freire da Silva Gaudêncio, J. F. ., Negromonte Gonçalves, K. K. ., Novaes de Souza, B. F. ., Conceição Alexandre Castro, M., & Lima Barbosa de Oliveira , T. (2021). Evaluation of the social demographic and clinical profile of patients candidate for bariatric surgery. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(67), 6645–6656. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2021v11i67p6645-6656 (Original work published August 2, 2021)



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