Ciranda between Education and Health: Aspects of Adolescent Mental Health in School Context in Times of Pandemic


  • Ana Caroline Inácio de Alencar Aguiar Instituto Dom Barreto
  • Delite Conceição Rocha Barros Lemos Instituto Dom Barreto
  • Érica Vanessa Rodrigues da Silva Instituto Dom Barreto
  • Estefane Vasconcelos Sousa
  • Kaynna Beatriz Nascimento Sousa Facid
  • Paulo César Borges de Sousa Filho Instituto Dom Barreto



Adolescent, Mental health, Coronavirus infections, Academic institutions


The school context and adolescent public were greatly impacted by the new pandemic scenario. Objective: To analyze which factors resulting from the pandemic have had an impact on the mental health of adolescents in the school context, as well as to investigate the main strategies that promote mental health in the school context in times of pandemic. Method: This is an experience report of multiprofessional practices in the school context, involving the areas of psychology and nursing with high school students from a philanthropic school in the city of Teresina - PI. Results: Demands related to adolescent health were identified and, based on the practices of the respective professionals, it was possible to create strategies to promote their health. Conclusion: It was evident that even in the face of the pandemic situation and the adversities, the concern with the students' health and well-being is unique and boosted the development of new actions within the school.

Author Biographies

Ana Caroline Inácio de Alencar Aguiar, Instituto Dom Barreto

Educational School Psychologist. Dom Barreto Institute. Post-graduate student in Educational School Psychology (UNIFSA) and post-graduate student in Suicidology (FAEVE). She is currently a school psychologist at Instituto Dom Barreto – Escola Popular Madre Maria Villac.

Delite Conceição Rocha Barros Lemos, Instituto Dom Barreto

Master in Educational Sciences, Specialization in Higher Teaching, Education, Mental Health, Education and Gestalt Therapy. She works as a Psychologist at the Municipal Health Foundation in the Municipality of Teresina Piauí­, Educational School Psychologist at the Dom Barreto Institute. Coordinator of the Project "Bordando Histórias de Vida".

Érica Vanessa Rodrigues da Silva, Instituto Dom Barreto

Graduated in Psychology from the State University of Piauí­. Specialist in Educational School Psychology and Postgraduate student in Early Childhood Education. She works as Educational School Psychologist at Instituto Dom Barreto-Escola Madre Maria Villac and Professor in Higher Education (Faespi). Member of the Brazilian Association of School Psychology (Piauí­ Representation).

Estefane Vasconcelos Sousa

Nurse. Graduated by the Unified Teaching Center of Teresina – CEUT. She works as a nurse at Instituto Dom Barreto.

Kaynna Beatriz Nascimento Sousa, Facid

Psicóloga formada pela instituição UniFacid|Wyden, e Pós-graduanda em Neuropsicologia pela IPOG. Atua na área clí­nica, com atendimentos para crianças, adolescentes e adultos. Psychologist graduated from UniFacid|Wyden institution, and Post-Graduate student in Neuropsychology at IPOG. She works in the clinical area, with care for children, adolescents and adults.

Paulo César Borges de Sousa Filho, Instituto Dom Barreto

Master's student in Biotechnology and Primary Health Care, Specialist in Psychological Assessment and Educational School Psychology Educational School Psychologist by IDB and professor of the Psychology and Dentistry course by Unifacid.


2021-09-02 — Updated on 2021-10-06


How to Cite

Inácio de Alencar Aguiar, A. C. ., Rocha Barros Lemos, D. C. ., Rodrigues da Silva, Érica V., Vasconcelos Sousa, E. ., Nascimento Sousa, K. B. ., & Borges de Sousa Filho, P. C. (2021). Ciranda between Education and Health: Aspects of Adolescent Mental Health in School Context in Times of Pandemic. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(COVID), 7007–7012. (Original work published September 2, 2021)



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