Nursing management in the hospital service: challenges and potentialities


  • Emanuela de Lima Avelino
  • Bruna Roberta de Carvalho
  • Tácila Thamires de Melo Santos
  • Wezila Gonçalves do Nascimento
  • Beatriz Leodelgario Silva
  • Priscilla Yévellin Barros de Melo



Management, Nursing, Hospital


Objective: the general objective of this investigate in the literature whether the nurse leader performs the management function satisfactorily when directed to the hospital environment. Method: It is a cross-sectional study, with a qualitative approach, with an exploratory character, elaborated from the literature review of the Integrative Review type. The research was carried in the databases PubMed (National Library of Medicine), no Site da SciELO (Scientific Eleetronic Library online) e no Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da saúde) out between the months of August and September of the year 2020, using the keywords Management, nursing and hospital. Results: The authors agree with each other, that continuing education should always exist within the hospital environment, and it is essential that the whole team learns new knowledge every day. Conclusion: The development of this study made it possible to identify that being a nurse manager, this position requires the necessary skills to continue with what is considered essential for a nursing manager in the hospital environment.

Author Biographies

Emanuela de Lima Avelino

Nursing student, University Center Maurí­cio de Nassau-CG, PB.

Bruna Roberta de Carvalho

Nursing student, University Center Maurí­cio de Nassau-CG, PB.

Tácila Thamires de Melo Santos

Graduated in Nursing (UFPE), master in public health (UEPB), professor of the Nursing course-CG, PB.

Wezila Gonçalves do Nascimento

Graduated in Nursing (UFPE), master in public health (UEPB), professor of the Nursing course-CG, PB.

Beatriz Leodelgario Silva

Nursing student, University Center Maurí­cio de Nassau-CG, PB.

Priscilla Yévellin Barros de Melo

Graduated in Nursing (UFPE), master in public health (UEPB), professor of the Nursing course-CG, PB.



How to Cite

de Lima Avelino, E. ., de Carvalho , B. R. ., de Melo Santos, T. T. ., Gonçalves do Nascimento, W. ., Leodelgario Silva, B. ., & Yévellin Barros de Melo, P. . (2021). Nursing management in the hospital service: challenges and potentialities. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(63), 5350–5361.



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