Documentary structuring of the clinical pharmacy service in an intensive treatment center in a large public hospital


  • Thais Silva Christiani
  • Gabrielle da Costa Rocha
  • Thaí­sa Amorim Nogueira



Hospital Pharmacy Service, Drug Therapy, Intensive Care Units, Patient Safety


Objective: To describe the structuring and implementation of clinical pharmacy in the intensive care unit. Methods: This is a descriptive study, whose methodology was the elaboration of a flowchart of activities developed by the pharmacist and forms to facilitate pharmacotherapeutic follow-up. To make the documents, a bibliographic search and other forms of clinical follow-up from the institution and other services of clinical pharmacy were carried out. Results: Structural documents were created: flowchart of the pharmacy service; pharmacotherapeutic follow-up form; prescription evaluation checklist and pharmacotherapeutic follow-up checklist; pharmaceutical intervention notification model; and, a database to record the interventions to be performed. These documents have important information for the daily monitoring of the patient. Conclusion: The proposed method assists in the development of clinical activities, promoting integration of the pharmacist to the multidisciplinary team, comprehensive patient care and safety. Adaptation to a specific form guarantees the team to conduct personalized monitoring.

Author Biographies

Thais Silva Christiani

Pharmaceutical Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy. Resident Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro.

Gabrielle da Costa Rocha

Pharmaceutical Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy. Resident Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro.

Thaí­sa Amorim Nogueira

Pharmaceutical Doctor in Sciences Applied to Health Products. Professor of the Pharmacy Course, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Campus Macaé, Rio de Janeiro.



How to Cite

Silva Christiani, T. ., da Costa Rocha, G. ., & Amorim Nogueira, T. . (2021). Documentary structuring of the clinical pharmacy service in an intensive treatment center in a large public hospital. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(63), 5520–5535.



Artigos Cientí­ficos