Perception of chronic kidney disease patients about hemodialytic treatment


  • Conceição Nogueira Dias de Sousa
  • Dinah Alencar Melo Araújo
  • Waléria Geovana dos Santos Sousa
  • Matheus Henrique da Silva Lemos
  • Naila Roberta Alves Rocha
  • Ana Luiza Barbosa Negreiros



Quality of life, Chronic Kidney Failure, Dialysis, Hemodialysis


Objective: Analyze / describe perceptions of hemodialysis patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Method: Integrative literature review, with collection of articles from the PUBMED database from September 9 to 16, 2020. 11 articles were analyzed, the information organized in the categories: physical aspects versus quality of life; life perspective; physical perception and its implications. Result: concerning physical aspects versus quality of life, the patient with CKD is affected by physical aspects such as edema, loss of independence and autonomy in work activities due to symptoms. Regarding the perspective of life, CKD was seen as limiting social life and death sentence, however, it appeared as a postponer of this event. Regarding physical perception and its implications, women are more concerned with physical / aesthetic changes, while men are concerned with changing roles. Conclusion: the development of interventions to improve knowledge about the disease is indicated.

Author Biographies

Conceição Nogueira Dias de Sousa

Nurse by the Federal University of Piauí­ - UFPI. School health specialist - IFPI.

Dinah Alencar Melo Araújo

Nurse from the Federal University of Piauí­ –UFPI, master's student in science and health at UFPI. Post-graduate student in Nephrology. Postgraduate student in Urgency and Emergency and ICU.

Waléria Geovana dos Santos Sousa

Nursing student at the Federal University of Piauí­ - UFPI.

Matheus Henrique da Silva Lemos

Interventionist Nurse at SAMU REGIONAL DE COROATí-MA. Specialist in Urgency and Emergency Nursing by UNIFACID-WYDEN. Postgraduate Student in Nursing in Health of the Elderly by the Brazilian Training Institute - UNIBF. Master's student in Science and Health at the Federal University of Piauí­ - UFPI.

Naila Roberta Alves Rocha

Nurse working at the Regional Hospital Deolindo Couto - HRDC in Oeiras-PI and at the Federal Institute of Piauí­ - Campus Picos. Specialist in Urgency and Emergency and Intensive Care.

Ana Luiza Barbosa Negreiros

Nurse - Master in Health Education. Nursing Professor –UFPI.



How to Cite

Nogueira Dias de Sousa, C. ., Alencar Melo Araújo, D. ., dos Santos Sousa, W. G. ., da Silva Lemos, M. H. ., Alves Rocha, N. R. ., & Barbosa Negreiros, A. L. . (2021). Perception of chronic kidney disease patients about hemodialytic treatment. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(64), 5594–5603.



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