The role of the dentistry professional in care of oral manifestations in patients with leukemia


  • Josanne Christine Araújo Silva
  • Erick Michell Bezerra Oliveira
  • Hernandys Ribeiro Bezerra
  • Flávio Bruno Rodrigues de Assunçã
  • Josienne Araújo da Silva
  • Emerson de Sousa Pinheiro



Dentistry, Leukemia, Oral manifestations


Objective: to review articles available in scientific journals that exemplify the role of the dental professional in the care of oral manifestations in patients with Leukemia. Method: it was a narrative bibliographic review using selected articles from the years 2008 to 2018. Results: Oral manifestations of leukemia are more frequent in acute forms, than in chronic forms. The health professional must always be attentive to any type of sign or symptom, as well as the constant updating of medical history. With the emergence of new techniques that promote the maintenance of oral health in patients with some type of neoplasia, today it is possible to prevent a disease without it being installed. Conclusion: It is concluded that the presence of the dental professional in the oncology team can reduce the morbidity and mortality related to oral complications, as well as increase the comfort and quality of life of patients during therapy.

Author Biographies

Josanne Christine Araújo Silva

Bachelor of Nutrition from the University Center for Science and Technology of Maranhão - UniFacema; Postgraduate in Clinical, Functional Nutrition and Phytotherapy from the University Center of Science and Technology of Maranhão - UniFacema; Post-graduate in Management and Teaching of Higher Education from Faculdade Seven - FAEME.

Erick Michell Bezerra Oliveira

Bachelor in Physiotherapy at UNIFACEMA-2019. Academic of the Dentistry course at UNIFACEMA. Post-graduate student in Higher Education Teaching with an emphasis on the health system-FAVENI. Postgraduate Student in Hospital Management and Auditing in Health Services at Estratego Sistema Educacional.

Hernandys Ribeiro Bezerra

Academic of the Dentistry course at the University Center of Science and Technology of Maranhão-UNIFACEMA.

Flávio Bruno Rodrigues de Assunçã

Academic of the Dentistry course at the University Center of Science and Technology of Maranhão-UNIFACEMA.

Josienne Araújo da Silva

Academic of the Dentistry course at the University Center of Science and Technology of Maranhão-UNIFACEMA.

Emerson de Sousa Pinheiro

Academic of the Dentistry course at the Florence Institute of Higher Education - IFES.



How to Cite

Araújo Silva, J. C. ., Bezerra Oliveira, E. M. ., Ribeiro Bezerra, H. ., Rodrigues de Assunçã, F. B. ., Araújo da Silva , J. ., & de Sousa Pinheiro, E. (2021). The role of the dentistry professional in care of oral manifestations in patients with leukemia. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(64), 5670–5679.



Artigos Cientí­ficos