Maintenance of oncological treatment during the COVID-19 pandemy: literature review


  • Aliana Amandula Santos
  • Cati Lanne Oliveira de Freitas
  • Ingrid Barcellos da Silva Alves
  • Zaira Andressa Alves de Sousa Lydio
  • Vanessa Moreira da Silva Soeiro
  • Lucian da Silva Viana



Medical Oncology, COVID-19, Treatment, Review


Objective: To identify in the Brazilian literature the strategies adopted in health services to maintain cancer treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This is a literature review carried out in the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem online databases, PubMed and the Scientific Electronic Library Online electronic library, which included productions of the year 2020, in English and Portuguese, as long as they addressed the national context on the proposed theme. Results: Four articles were selected that helped in the construction of two categories, namely: coping with the maintenance of cancer treatment by patients and organization of Brazilian cancer health services to maintain the treatment. Conclusion: It can be considered that there are still a limited number of articles in the national scenario on the theme addressed and that the gaps in the construction of knowledge directly interfere in the care of cancer patients in the course of their treatment.

Author Biographies

Aliana Amandula Santos

Nurse. Student of the Specialization in Oncology Nursing at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa. Nursing routine of the general surgery sector at Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar. Nurse at the Advanced Care Unit of the State Institute of Hematology Arthur Siqueira Cavalcanti (HEMORIO).

Cati Lanne Oliveira de Freitas

Nurse. Student of the Specialization in Oncology Nursing at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa. Nurse at the emergency unit of the State Institute of Hematology Arthur Siqueira Cavalcanti (HEMORIO). Nurse at the Tanguá City Hall - Internal Regulation Center.

Ingrid Barcellos da Silva Alves

Nurse. Specialist in medical and surgical clinic by Unirio. Student of the Specialization in Oncology Nursing at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa. Emergency nurse at the State Institute of Hematology Arthur Siqueira Cavalcanti (HEMORIO).

Zaira Andressa Alves de Sousa Lydio

Nurse. Master in Nursing from EEAN / UFRJ. Nursing professor at UNESA. Student of the Specialization in Oncology Nursing at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa. Nurse responsible for the Emergency Department at the Arthur de Siqueira Cavalcanti State Institute of Hematology (HEMORIO).

Vanessa Moreira da Silva Soeiro

Nurse. Specialist in Health Management and Higher Education Methodology from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). Master in Nursing (UFMA). PhD student in Public Health (UFMA).

Lucian da Silva Viana

Nurse. PhD student in Public Health and Environment at the National School of Public Health - Sergio Arouca (FIOCRUZ). Master in Oncology by the National Cancer Institute José Alencar Gomes da Silva (INCA). Specialist in Oncology - Multiprofessional Residency (INCA) and in Stomatherapy by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Improvement in Oncological Research by the Research Center (INCA). Invited professor of Oncology Nursing Specialization at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa.



How to Cite

Amandula Santos, A. ., Oliveira de Freitas, C. L. ., Barcellos da Silva Alves, I. ., Alves de Sousa Lydio, Z. A. ., Moreira da Silva Soeiro, V. ., & da Silva Viana, L. (2021). Maintenance of oncological treatment during the COVID-19 pandemy: literature review. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(64), 5786–5797.



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