Prevalence of minor mental disorders in health students and related factors


  • Ana Letí­cia Torres dos Santos
  • Joí­ce Fabricio de Souza
  • Camila Lima Ribeiro
  • Polyana Amorim Cruz Nascimento
  • Thiago Bruno Santana
  • Halana Cecí­lia Vieira Pereira



Mental health, University, Emotional disorders, Risk factors, Mental disorder


Objective: this study was to investigate the prevalence of minor mental disorders in health students, and the risk factors that facilitate their triggering. Method: the present study is of the Integrative Literature Review type, it was carried out from February to December 2020, the articles selected to support the study in question were searched in the following LILACS e ScieLO. Results: Two categories were identified I- Prevalence of common mental disorders in university students in the health field. II- Factors associated with the risk of depression and anxiety in the university environment. Conclusion: And with this study it was possible to evidence the prevalence of common mental disorders among university students, and the risk factors associated with this event such as academic pressure and overload, dissatisfaction with the course, unsatisfactory relationships with colleagues and teachers and residing away from the family.

Author Biographies

Ana Letí­cia Torres dos Santos

Graduate student of nursing at the Faculty of Medicine of Juazeiro do Norte (FMJ).

Joí­ce Fabricio de Souza

Master's student in Public Health at the University of Fortaleza. - PPGSC/UNIFOR. Scholarship by the Ceará Foundation for Support to Scientific and Technological Development - FUNCAP.

Camila Lima Ribeiro

Master's student in Public Health - PPGSC / UNIFOR- University of Fortaleza. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics - UNIQ; Specialist in Forensic Nursing –Unyleya.

Polyana Amorim Cruz Nascimento

Professor of Medicine and Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte. Master in health management from the State University of Ceará. Specialist in clinic management and health education (by the Syrian Lebanese).

Thiago Bruno Santana

Professor at the Faculty of Medicine Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte. Specialist in ICU, Urgency and Emergency and Family Health.

Halana Cecí­lia Vieira Pereira

Professor at the Faculty of Medicine Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte. Specialist in Public Health, Master in Education.



How to Cite

Torres dos Santos, A. L. ., Fabricio de Souza, J. ., Lima Ribeiro, C. ., Amorim Cruz Nascimento, P. ., Santana, T. B. ., & Vieira Pereira, H. C. . (2021). Prevalence of minor mental disorders in health students and related factors. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(67), 6677–6690.



Artigos Cientí­ficos