Risk factors for child depression


  • Jessica Mota dos Santos
  • Joice Fabrí­cio de Souza
  • Camila Lima Ribeiro
  • Joana D'arc Esmeraldo
  • Suiane Maria Mendes do Nascimento
  • Polyana Amorim Cruz Nascimento




Depression, Children, Risk factors


Depression is a condition associated with lowering mood, which lasts for more than two weeks. Objective: To investigate through the literature the risk factors that promote the development of depression in children. Method: This is an Integrative Review, carried out with 6 articles, with the following descriptors: Depression. Kid. Risk factors, articulated with the Boolean operator AND, at LILACS, with a time cut of the last five years. Results: The main specific contents are related to the symptoms of childhood depression and the factors that cause the disease. In view of this, two categories were identified based on the content, thus organized: Depression in childhood and the factors and Environments that predispose its development and Habitual symptoms in children with depressive disorder. Conclusion: Despite the limited amount of articles found in the literature, the research managed to achieve the desired purpose, providing a discussion about the risk factors and symptoms of depression in children.

Author Biographies

Jessica Mota dos Santos

Faculty of Medicine Estácio de Juazeiro do Norte - Graduating in Nursing.

Joice Fabrí­cio de Souza

University of Fortaleza - Master's student in Public Health - PPGSC / UNIFOR. Scholarship by Fundação Cearense to Support Scientific and Technological Development - FUNCAP. Member of the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Humanistic Phenomenological Clinic - APHETO, of the Phenomenology and Health Center - NUFES and of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group - GPCLIN / URCA.

Camila Lima Ribeiro

University of Fortaleza. Master's student in Public Health - PPGSC / UNIFOR. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics - UNIQ; Specialist in Forensic Nursing - Unyleya.

Joana D'arc Esmeraldo

Master in Child and Adolescent Health (UECE), Specialist in Educational Policy and Planning (URCA), Psychologist (UNILEíO), Graduate in Biological Sciences (URCA), Professor of Nursing, Medicine and Psychology courses at Faculdade de Medicina Estácio / FMJ, Coordinator of the Medical Student Support Center (NAEM) of the Faculdade de Medicina Estácio / FMJ.

Suiane Maria Mendes do Nascimento

Nurse by UniLeão. Specialist in neonatal ICU and pediatric ICU, trained in insertion of PICC catheter by the AMA Institute in SP. Specialist in public and family health. Master's student in Intensive Care at IMBES. Preceptor of internships at the Faculty of Medicine Estácio de Sá do Juazeiro do Norte.

Polyana Amorim Cruz Nascimento

Nurse Master in Health Management from the State University of Ceará. Specialist in clinic management and health education (Sí­rio Libanês), has training in mental health of children and adolescents (Federal University of Santa Catarina), effective nurse in the municipality of Mauriti and professor of the Medicine and Nursing course at Estácio FMJ. She has a background in law and health, responsible for the creation and formulation of the conciliation nucleus in the public defenders of Barbalha and Crato.



How to Cite

Mota dos Santos, J. ., Fabrí­cio de Souza, J. ., Lima Ribeiro, C. ., D’arc Esmeraldo, J., Mendes do Nascimento, S. M. ., & Amorim Cruz Nascimento, P. . (2021). Risk factors for child depression . Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(67), 6839–6850. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2021v11i67p6839-6850



Artigos Cientí­ficos