Epidemiological profile of women who suffered obstetric violence: a cross-sectional study.


  • Sandro Henrique Miranda Gonçalves Ribeiro
  • Miriellen Bueno da Silva
  • Mara Dayanne Ramos Alves de Cerqueira
  • Rosana de Carvalho Castro
  • Jane Baptista Quitete
  • Virginia Maria de Azevedo Oliveira Knupp




Women's Health, Violence Against Women, Epidemiology, Parturition, Reproductive Rights


Objective: to analyze the epidemiological profile of women who are victims of obstetric violence. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with the participants of women victims of obstetric violence in a region of the coastal lowland of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in 2018. Results: Thirty-three women were interviewed, of whom the minimum age was 18 years, the maximum was 39 years and the average was 27 years. The data reveal a higher proportion among women with complete high school, by cesarean delivery, with only one previous delivery, who were not entitled to a companion, and who were assisted by the Unified Health System. Conclusion: The present study corroborates with already published findings and evidences the need for a continuous exercise of qualification by health professionals who assist women during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium, with subsidies from scientific evidence.

Author Biographies

Sandro Henrique Miranda Gonçalves Ribeiro

Resident in Obstetric Nursing, at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) - Niterói (RJ), Brazil.

Miriellen Bueno da Silva

Resident in Public Health Nursing, from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) - Niterói (RJ), Brazil.

Mara Dayanne Ramos Alves de Cerqueira

Resident in Obstetric Nursing, Arthur Sá Earp Neto University Center UNIFASE/FMP, Petrópolis (RJ), Brazil.

Rosana de Carvalho Castro

Fluminense Federal University (UFF) - Rio das Ostras (RJ), Brazil.

Jane Baptista Quitete

Fluminense Federal University (UFF) - Rio das Ostras (RJ), Brazil.

Virginia Maria de Azevedo Oliveira Knupp

Fluminense Federal University (UFF) - Rio das Ostras (RJ), Brazil.



How to Cite

Miranda Gonçalves Ribeiro , S. H. ., Bueno da Silva , M. ., Ramos Alves de Cerqueira , M. D. ., de Carvalho Castro, R. ., Baptista Quitete, J. ., & de Azevedo Oliveira Knupp, V. M. . (2021). Epidemiological profile of women who suffered obstetric violence: a cross-sectional study. Sa´úde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(67), 6899–6910. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2021v11i67p6899-6910



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