Caring for those who care: Assessment of Neuropathy and Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus 2


  • Thalia de Lima Sousa
  • Claudia Neves Nascimento da Costa



Diabetic Neuropathies, Diabetes Mellitus, Prevalence


Objective: To identify the prevalence of diabetes mellitus 2 (DM2) in caregivers and inspect the feet in self-reported diabetics. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study, probabilistic sampling of convenience in caregivers of special children cared for in a philanthropic institution with the application of a direct questionnaire, in diabetics self-reported by the questionnaire, offered the inspection of the feet following the "Form for Assessment of Neuropathy and Disease Peripheral Arterial - Specialty Clinic "with the instruments: 10g Semmes-Weinstein monofilament, 128Hz tuning fork, reflective hammer. Results: There was a prevalence of 23.7% diabetics in the public of 114 respondents. During inspection, it was identified: dry skin, fissures, ringworm, altered skin color, dilated dorsal vessels and edema. Conclusion: We observed the problem of a local reality in a philanthropic institution, the data are not generalizable. The need for screening and intervention strategies focusing on primary care and self-care is evident in order to avoid amputations and other injuries resulting from DM2.

Author Biographies

Thalia de Lima Sousa

Nursing Graduate. Universidade Paulista UNIP. Santana de Parnaí­ba, São Paulo.

Claudia Neves Nascimento da Costa

Nurse. Postgraduate student in Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing at the Albert Einstein Israel Institute of Teaching and Research



How to Cite

de Lima Sousa, T. ., & Neves Nascimento da Costa, C. . (2021). Caring for those who care: Assessment of Neuropathy and Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus 2. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(68), 7387–7396.



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