Banco de preços em saúde na aquisição de medicamentos da atenção primária
Primary Health Care, Social Organization;, Health Management;, Use of Medications.Abstract
Objective: To compare drug purchases in primary health care before and after the Health Price Bank. Method: Cross-sectional, quantitative study, based on the survey of data available in the information systems for the purchase of drugs in a Social Health Organization in Fortaleza- CE. The source of data collection were information systems for the acquisition of medicines: Gercomp, Bionexo Platform and Publinexo Platform and data available at the Health Price Bank. Data collected from May to November in the years 2016 to 2018. the most purchased drugs in the triennium: Losartana, Omeprazole, Hydrochlorothiazide, Simvastatin and Metformin. Results: After the BPS, there was an improvement in the efficiency of the purchase of medicines, the rate of purchase compared to consumption and a reduction in the rate of shortage in stock. Conclusion: It is believed that the price comparison that the Health Price Bank made possible improved acquisitions, due to the price comparison.