Analysis of nursing care for hypertensive syndromes during the pregnant-puerperal cycle
Nursing, Assistance, Puerperium, Gestation, HypertensionAbstract
Objective: to analyze nursing care for hypertensive syndromes in the pregnant-puerperal cycle according to the current literature. Method: This is a descriptive, temporal, retrospective and exploratory research, which used articles published in the last five years (2015 to 2019), which were found in the Electronic Scientific Online library (SciELO). Data collection took place in January 2020. The articles addressed important points about nursing care in hypertensive syndromes of the pregnancy-puerperal cycle. Results: However, few publications cited about the puerperium, the majority referred to the gestational period. Several actions were listed during nursing care, ranging from the support and reception of women, to the application of the Nursing Care Systematization (SAE). Conclusion: Nursing care is essential for qualified assistance to pregnant women and women who have recently given birth, especially if she is carrying one of the hypertensive syndromes of the pregnancy-puerperal cycle.
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