Women's difficulties with endometriosis regarding the diagnosis and the impact on their lives
Women's Health Services, Women's Health, Endometriosis, Delayed DiagnosisAbstract
Diagnóstico Tardio; Endometriose; Saúde da Mulher; Serviços de Saúde da Mulher. Purpose: To know the reality of women who had late diagnosis of endometriosis and the impact of this reality on their daily routine and self-esteem. Methods: an observational study of documentary analysis and interviews, in which data were obtained from the analysis of the answers given through a virtualized questionnaire. The data and information collected corresponded to [a] Patient characteristics [b] Diagnosis-related questions, and [e] Main difficulties to reach the diagnosis. Results: A large portion of women interviewed (83.46%) heard that their behavior in the face of menstrual cramps was exaggerated. A total of 78% of women reported that their doctors expressed that their behavior towards pain was exaggerated. ln addition, "scheduling a specialist doctor's appointment in the private sector" was the least reason mentioned as a difficulty that compromised the treatment (60.70%). Conclusions: Searching for alternatives in health policies, for this clinicai condition, becomes essential and urgent.
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