Lack of non-quantitative effectiveness of drugs for diabetes: aspects of clinica! pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry
Unified Health System, Drug Therapy, Evaluation of the Efficacy-Effectiveness of lnterventions, Diabetes MellitusAbstract
Objective: to problematize and alert to non-quantitative issues involving non-therapeutic success in patients with Diabetes Mellitus li (DM li). Method: the study carried out in two Basic Family Health Unit Centers, in Joinville city, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The studied population corresponded to users of chronic DM li drugs; under drug treatment and registered in medical records. Data collection took place through interviews and analysis of medical records. Results: A total of 222 patients, between 42 and 82 years old, were selected in the study. The analysis of the presence of factors that lead to lack of non-quantitative effectiveness (FLNQE) resulted in an average of 3.09 causes of non-effectiveness per patient. Conclusion: FLNQE are present, especially in newly diagnosed and polypharmacy patients, also with age as a contributing factor. New studies have helped to better understand this phenomenon.
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