Social representation of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief during child labor


  • lngrid Gomes Vicente
  • Greice Kelly Palmeira Campos
  • Adriene de Freitas Moreno Rodrigues
  • Luciano Antonio Rodrigues



Women's Health, Nurse Midwives, Pain, Natural Childbirth


Objective: To identify the social representation of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief during labor. Method: Descriptive study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in a maternity hospital in Colatina/ES. lnterviews were recorded through the application of a semi-structured form and full transcription for semantic analysis of the information and evocations were extracted. Result: For the participants, the social representations about the term "non-pharmacological method (NFM)" were structured in a main trunk represented by the terms "Comfort'; "Relaxing'; "Good'; "Relief" and ''Care'; demonstrating the recognition of the benefits of using the methods during labor, triggering positive feelings during parturition. Conclusion: lt remains to be admitted that the NFMs have great potential in assisting parturient women, as the benefits achieved are evidenced in the study and understanding their importance in the delivery rooms is essential for the quality of women's health care.

Author Biographies

lngrid Gomes Vicente

Enfermeira Obstetra. Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo (UNESC). ORCID: 0000-0002-5169-5282

Greice Kelly Palmeira Campos

Acadêmica de Medicina/ Aluna de Iniciação Científica. Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo - UNESC ORCID : 0000-0002-5169-5282

Adriene de Freitas Moreno Rodrigues

Professora Universitária/ Pesquisadora. Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo - UNESC ORCID: 0000-0001-5028-3262

Luciano Antonio Rodrigues

Professor Universitário/ Pesquisador. Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo - UNESC ORCID: 0000-0001-5758-456X


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How to Cite

Vicente, lngrid G. ., Campos, G. K. P. ., Rodrigues, A. de F. M. ., & Rodrigues , L. A. . (2020). Social representation of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief during child labor. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(69), 8159–8168.



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