Dermatofunctional physiotherapy: radiofrequency and the effects on the rejuvenation of face expression treatment
Physiotherapy, Rejuvenation, Skin, Face expression, Radio frequencyAbstract
Objective: To identify, through a literature review, the effects of radiofrequency on facial rejuvenation. Methods: lntegrative review study, carried out from September to October 2020. Searched in the databases: LILACS, SciELO, CAPES Periodicals and PubMed. The descriptors used and related, with the Boolean operator "and'; in Portuguese and English were: radiofrequency, facial expression, skin Rejuvenation; Physiotherapy and Radio frequency; Face expression; Skin; Rejuvenation; Physiotherapy. Searches for publications from the last 1 O years were carried out. Results: After a thorough reading of the eligible articles, three articles were selected. The authors report that the effects of radiofrequency are significant in reducing the extension and depth of wrinkles and improving the appearance of sagging skin, in addition to a noticeable improvement in facial expression. Conclusions: The effects of radiofrequency were clearly outlined, especially with regard to improving skin tone and reducing wrinkles.
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- 2021-11-11 (2)
- 2021-10-01 (1)