Supervised internship and covid-19 pandemic: experience of nursing students in an intensive care unit
Coronavirus infections, Hospital care, Nursing students, Criticai care nursing, Nursing educationAbstract
Objective: to report the experiences of nursing students during the supervised curricular internship. Method: this is a report on the experience of nursing students who performed supervised clinicai teaching in the COVID-19 lntensive Care Unit through instruments observation techniques and a field diary. Data collection took place from February to April 2021 through conversation circles that took place once a week, provided by the preceptor, where experiences in the internship field were discussed. Results: the interns deepened their knowledge about the institution's protocols, electronic system and sector routines. Despite the sudden changes in the flow of care for patients with COVID-19 in the unit, the students demonstrated adaptation, criticai thinking, practical skills, good communication, relationship with the team and decision-making. Conclusion: the experience was significant, adding great maturity to the interns, making them protagonists in the management of patient care with COVID-19.
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