Colostomy irrigation: impact on quality of life
Nursing Care, Quality of Life, OstomyAbstract
Objective: Observed on the quality of life of middle-aged users with a colostomy in use of irrigation and colostomy occlusion system served in a Reference Center for care of people with stomas. Methods: a descriptive study, of experience report type, carried out by professionals working in a Reference Center for people with stomas in a city in the south of Brazil, in January 2021. Results: by analyzing the influence on the quality of life, the use of irrigation provides a substantial improvement to individuais. One can verify the satisfaction with the method employed, bringing improvements in self-esteem, confidence, and improvement in mood, in the relationship with their partner, greater freedom to use clothing and food and return to social activities. Conclusion: the use of resources such as irrigation and occlusion provides a more harmonious relationship between the user and his ar her stomach, since fecal contrai becomes possible, leading to improved self-esteem and the safety needed to perform activities that have suffered an impact since the emergence of the new condition.
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