Mortality of obese patients affected by covid-19 in the state of paraíba: a descriptive analysis
Mortality, Obesity, Coronavirus lnfectionsAbstract
Objective: To describe and quantify the data provided by the government of the state of Paraíba in relation to the mortality of obese patients affected by COVID-19 in the state. Method: A descriptive and quantitative study was carried out based on epidemiological information on the mortality of obese patients affected with COVID-19 in the state of Paraíba, using the variables: date of death, sex, age, method of diagnosis, onset of symptoms, municipality of residence and pre-existing illness. Results: Most deaths are concentrated in the year 2021, in notoriety in March with 149 deaths, predominantly female, the most affected ages were 61 and 68 years, confirmation of infection mostly by Swab test, 155 patients started symptoms in March/2021, 102 municipalities in Paraíba. were identified, in addition to obesity and preexisting diseases were found. Conclusion: The study demonstrated obesity as a relevant factor in mortality from COVID-19 in Paraíba.
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