Evidence about the occurrence of complications related to unbalanced volume of the chronic kidney patient
Renal Dialysis, Water-Electrolyte lmbalance, Renal lnsufficiency ChronicAbstract
Objective: Search the literature for evidence on the occurrence of complications related to unbalanced blood volume in chronic renal patients. Method: This is an integrative review with the purpose of identifying evidence in the literature to support the construction of the scale for measuring the risk of hypervolemia in chronic kidney patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. The search was carried out between August and October 2020, in the following databases: LILACS, SCIENCE DIRECT, COCHRANE LIBRARY and in the PUBMED and EBSCO portais, with operators crossing. The initial search found 129 articles, 02 Cochrane Library, 59 Lilacs, 12 Pubmed, 55 Ebsco and 01 Science Direct. Results: After conducting a search for scientific evidence, it is necessary to briefly present the results found. ln the characterization of the articles, it was observed that 88% of the studies are international, and the object of study turned to the investigation of the relationship of hypervolemia and its influence on the cardiac and pulmonary function of chronic kidney patients. Conclusion: Therefore, most of the problems are due to excess flui d, with a view to alerting health professionals, especially nurses, enabling them to reason about which interventions would be effective.
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