Inquérito sobre proteção ocupacional e perfil dos trabalhadores de hospitais regionais de referência para COVID-19
COVID-19, Pessoal de Saúde, Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, Saúde do Trabalhador, SARS-CoV-2Abstract
Objective: to characterize the occupational protection measures and the profile of workers in regional referral hospitals for COVID-19 care. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive research by survey with health professionals from two macro-regional reference hospitals for COVID-19, Uberaba, Minas Gerais, in the period between July and October 2021. Results: 102 participants, most respondents were nursing staff (67.7%), female (89.2%), mean age of 35 years, stable employment relationship (60.8%). They provide assistance with invasive procedures (60.8%). Reported training for COVID-19 (77.5%); availability of PPE (88.2%) and intensification of precautions by the institution (93.1%). Conclusion: there is an intensification of precautions as the most frequent occupational protection measure reported by workers in reference hospitals for COVID-19, which demonstrates the institutional concern with the protection of professionals who are on the front line of the pandemic and with quality of care.