Elaboração de protocolo para realização de teste rápido para HIV: relato de experiência
HIV, Educação Continuada, ProtocolosAbstract
OBJECTIVE: The objective was to report the experience with the elaboration of a protocol for carrying out a rapid diagnostic test for HIV 1/2. METHOD: This is an experience report on the development of a protocol to perform a rapid test of the DPP type for the diagnosis of HIV 1/2, carried out with 11 nurses in a city in the northeast. To guide the elaboration steps, the 5W2H management tool was used. RESULTS: The elaboration took place in three stages: diagnostic assessment of the problem situation; elaboration and discussion of the protocol; and consensual validation and disclosure. CONCLUSIONS: The development of careprotocols contributes as a theoretical basis and standardization of procedures for nursingteams, offering technical support, management and conduct in certain actions.