Assistance indicators after implementation of patient safety center in teaching hospital
Health indicators, Assessment of the Quality of Health Care, Patient safety; Risk control, Health educationAbstract
OBJECTIVE: Analyzer of health care indicators after implantation of the patient safety nucleus. METHOD: Retrospective, analytical, documentary study carried out in a state hospital in Teresina and research in the city of Teresina Piauí. RESULTS: Correct patient identification occurred between 92 and 100% between implantation and implementation; checklist surgery failure rate by professional category, 3% of the anesthesiologist's signature with the media followed by the physician, 24.66%; and adherence to a qualification of hands by professional category, which is a medical class with the lowest adherence rate, 19.85%. CONCLUSION: Observe the optimized improvement of indicators after training and active search. The lack of continuous control integrated with an underreporting compromising the information. It is noted the importance of these sectors for the improvement of care, as well as training and notification systems
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