Knowing about sexuality: knowledge of parents or responsible for adolescents




Pregnant woman, Prescription of medications, Dentistry


Objective: To assess the degree of knowledge of dental surgeons regarding drug prescription in pregnant patients. Method: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study through data collection through the application of a questionnaire containing 19 questions related to drug prescription in pregnant women. Results: The results showed that 33.01% of the participants were between 26 and 30 years old, 31.07% had between 6 and 10 years of service and 76.70% had some specialty. Of the 103 respondents, 39.7% prescribe anxiolytics for pregnant women, 15.4% prescribe contraindicated analgesics, 73.79% prescribe penicillin as the antibiotic of choice, 39.7% prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, in the anesthetic of choice 45.63 % indicated Lidocaine + Epinephrine 1:100,000 and 16.4% opted for unsafe anesthetics. Conclusion: It was concluded that the level of knowledge of the DCs in relation to the average of correct answers for the questions about the prescription of medications to pregnant women was insufficient, the need for knowledge regarding this type of special care. There was no difference between the number of correct answers and the greater or lesser length of professional experience.

Author Biographies

Denilson Júnior Mendes Pantoja

Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry at Faculdade Uninassau Belém.

George Hilton da Silva Gonçalves

Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry at Faculdade Uninassau Belém.

Romualdo Paes de Andrade Neto

Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry at Universidade Unama Belém.

Leila Maués de Oliveira Hanna

 PhD in Pediatric Dentistry from the Cruzeiro do Sul University.

Professor of the Dentistry course at Faculdade Uninassau Belém.


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How to Cite

Denilson Júnior Mendes Pantoja, George Hilton da Silva Gonçalves, Romualdo Paes de Andrade Neto, & Leila Maués de Oliveira Hanna. (2022). Knowing about sexuality: knowledge of parents or responsible for adolescents. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(74), 9934–9946.



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