Spatial analysis and epidemiological profile of deaths by covid-19 in the paraíba valley




Spatial Distribution, Deaths, Coronavirus Infections, Ecological Studies, Descriptive epidemiology


Objective: To analyze and describe the epidemiological profile and trend of the spatial distribution of deaths from COVID-19 in the first 18 months of the pandemic in the region of Vale do Paraíba – São Paulo/Brazil. Method: This is an epidemiological, descriptive, population-based, ecological study, whose group of variables listed include secondary data on the occurrence of deaths from COVID-19. The data come from the Foundation State System for Data Analysis platform, which feeds the notification forms for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, whose cases progressed to death. Result: The death rate per population showed us approximately the percentage of the population that died from COVID-19 in the last 3 semesters. Conclusion: Similar to the world scenario, infection by COVID-19 is a public health problem, requiring attention to the circulation of the virus in the interior of São Paulo, alerting risk groups and effective health interventions.

Author Biographies

Amanda Medeiros Ribeiro

Nurse, graduated from Escola Superior de Cruzeiro - ESC. Cruise - Sao Paulo. Brazil.

Elaine Viana Cabral

Master in Health Sciences and Environment Teaching - Volta Redonda University Center - UniFOA - Volta Redonda - Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro - ESC - Cruzeiro - São Paulo. Brazil.

Katia Margareth Bitton de Moura

Master in Health Sciences and Environment Teaching - Volta Redonda University Center - UniFOA - Volta Redonda - Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro - ESC - Cruzeiro - São Paulo. Brazil.

Hércules de Oliveira Carmo

Master in Hospital Health and Technology - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO - Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro - ESC - Cruzeiro - São Paulo. Brazil.

Fabiano Fernandes de Oliveira

Master in Nursing – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”. UNESP - Botucatu - São Paulo. Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro - ESC - Cruzeiro - São Paulo. Brazil.


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How to Cite

Amanda Medeiros Ribeiro, Elaine Viana Cabral, Katia Margareth Bitton de Moura, Hércules de Oliveira Carmo, & Fabiano Fernandes de Oliveira. (2022). Spatial analysis and epidemiological profile of deaths by covid-19 in the paraíba valley . Sa´úde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(74), 9980–9992.



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