The vision and practice of health counselors about the expanded concept of health
Expanded concept of health, popular participation, health councilsAbstract
Objective - To know the perception of counselors on the issue of the expanded concept of health. Methods - Observational study, with a retrospective phase (analysis of minutes) and cross-sectional through a questionnaire to municipal health councilors of the 2017-2020 nomination and residents. The study consisted of 3 phases: Phase I: study of the minutes from August 2017 to August 2019; choosing the 5 most present words in the discussions. Phase II: Application of a questionnaire on the expanded concept of health. Phase III: analysis of the results of the questionnaire and the assessment of how close or how far the counselors' thinking would be in relation to the expanded concept of health. Results – There was a gap between what the counselors said was health and what was discussed in the minutes, showing a conflict between speeches and actions. The presence of urgent and bureaucratic matters was considered the reason for this distance
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