Contributions of the accompanying elderly program in the aging process: Experience report




Home care services, home visitors, Health care models, Health services for the elderly, Old man


Objective: to describe and reflect on the experience lived in the community of the Companion Program for the Elderly in the Municipality of São Paulo- Brazil. Method: the study is characterized as descriptive, reflective, of a qualitative nature, of the experience report type. Result: The Elderly Monitoring Program, through all the actions developed and explained in this experience report, brought numerous benefits to the assisted elderly, the main ones being the resumption of social activities by many who lived alone, as well as the prevention of institutionalization prevention, reduction and prevention of falls with consequent reduction of hospitalizations, adequate control of polypharmacy, improvement of autonomy and maintenance of independence from activities developed by the program. Conclusion: Thus, the quality of life of these elderly people was increasingly present, but for greater evidence of these data, it is necessary to apply more effective and quantitative studies of this applied model.

Author Biographies

Fabiano Fernandes de Oliveira

Nurse, Master and Doctoral Student in Nursing at the Postgraduate Program at Universidade Estadual Paulista, Professor at the Nursing Graduation Course at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro – ESC. São Paulo and in the Nursing Course at Centro Paula Souza – São Paulo, Brazil.

Gilciney Andrade Rabello

Nurse, Specialist in Family Health Program at the Federal University of Pelotas and Management in Human Resources in Health at the University of São Paulo; Special student of the Masters in Gerontology at the School of Art, Humanities Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Aniely Coneglian Santos

Nurse, Master in Environment and Sustainability by the Centro Universitário de Caratinga - UNEC; Specialist in Health Surveillance, Family Health, Gerontology, Occupational Nursing and Health Education. Coordinator and professor at Faculdade Paraense de Curitiba, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Fernandes de Oliveira, F., Andrade Rabello, G., & Coneglian Santos, A. (2022). Contributions of the accompanying elderly program in the aging process: Experience report. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(78), 10854–10863.



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