Benefits of positioning in ventilatory improvement in preterm newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit
Positioning, Respiratory therapy, Newborn, Prematurity, Neonatal intensive care unitAbstract
Objective: To analyze, through the literature, the benefits of therapeutic positioning in ventilatory improvement in preterm newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Method: This is an integrative literature review and the data collection method was to search for scientific articles in the SCIELO, BVS, MEDLINE, PUBMED, PEDro and LILACS databases. Inclusion criteria were articles yesterday reporting the benefits that positioning impacts on the ventilatory improvement of hospitalized premature newborns, which were published between the years 2010 to February 2022. Results: The study sample consisted of 7 studies, the which identified that prone and lateral decubitus positioning were more effective in lung function. Conclusion: Therapeutic positioning is essential in a neonatal intensive care unit, it positively impacts respiratory mechanics and promotes the general well-being of the preterm newborn.
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