Evaluation indicators of urgency and emergency pre-hospital care services: Integrative review
Emergency Medical Services, Prehospital Care, Ambulances, Management indicators, Health Status IndicatorsAbstract
Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature on indicators that support the evaluation of urgent and emergency pre-hospital care services. Method: Integrative review conducted in LILACS, CINAHL, SCOPUS, National Library of Medicine (via PubMed) and Web of Science databases. Studies available in full in the public or private domain were used, with no language limit, without delimiting the date of publication. Results: Four studies were listed for the final sample, in which the evaluation indicators of pre-hospital urgent and emergency care services were related to patient satisfaction, the time spent during care, the development of quality indicators (structure, process and results) and service evaluation indexes. Conclusion: The findings contribute to the practical field of urgent and emergency pre-hospital care services, with the aim of providing a reflection between managers and health professionals.
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