Evaluation of a specialized service for people with ostomies and alterations by the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19, Ostomy, Stomatherapy, Health Services Administration, Health Services ResearchAbstract
Objectives: Evaluate the level of implementation of the Health Care Policy for Ostomy Persons in a Specialized Service and identify the service restructuring points as a result of the Pandemic. Method: Single case study, descriptive-exploratory, carried out in a service in the central macro-region of Minas Gerais. Data collection took place in May and June 2021, through a self-reported questionnaire by two professionals about the structure and processes of the service. Data were analyzed based on the Analysis and Judgment Matrix. Results: In the evaluation of one of the participants, the service obtained a score of 80% (full implementation) while the other, 76.25% (satisfactory implementation). Hygiene and safety were reinforced and there was a reduction in attendance due to the pandemic. Conclusion: There was divergence in the evaluation of the service resulting in different classifications of the level of implementation. The pandemic interfered with the assistance provided, which can make the rehabilitation process more difficult.
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