Spinal cord injury in the contexto of families: structural assessment with genogram and ecomap





Home Nursing, Caregivers, Nursing, Family, Spinal Cord Injuries


Objective: Toevaluatethestructuralrepresentationoffamilieswithspinalcordinjurybasedonthegenogramandecomap. Method:Qualitativestudy, carried out with two families that have members with spinal cord injuries whoweretreatedat PROMADE. The genogramandecomapwereused as data collection strategies in theStructuralAssessment, a component of the Calgary Family AssessmentModel. Results: The familygenogrampointedtorestructuringwiththeformationof new familyarrangementsthroughtherecompositionof its members in theinternalfamilystructurewith a viewtoimprovingmobilityandaccessibility. The ecomap elucidated the links between extended families and broader systems with clues for adjustments and possibilities for nursing intervention in the scope of primary care. Conclusion: The families adjusted themselves in the face of stressful situation and changes in ordertoeffectcare in the family routine.

Author Biographies

Lorena Cavalcante Lobo

Nurse, specialist in comprehensive care in functional health in neurological diseases. State University of Amazonas. AM - Brazil.

Zilmar Augusto de Souza Filho

PhD in Nursing. Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, Amazonas

Giane Zupellari dos Santos Melo

PhD in Nursing. Professor at the State University of Amazonas, Amazonas.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante Lobo, L., de Souza Filho, Z. A., & dos Santos Melo, G. Z. (2022). Spinal cord injury in the contexto of families: structural assessment with genogram and ecomap. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(81), 11584–11595. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2022v12i81p11584-11595



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