Spinal cord injury in the contexto of families: structural assessment with genogram and ecomap
Home Nursing, Caregivers, Nursing, Family, Spinal Cord InjuriesAbstract
Objective: Toevaluatethestructuralrepresentationoffamilieswithspinalcordinjurybasedonthegenogramandecomap. Method:Qualitativestudy, carried out with two families that have members with spinal cord injuries whoweretreatedat PROMADE. The genogramandecomapwereused as data collection strategies in theStructuralAssessment, a component of the Calgary Family AssessmentModel. Results: The familygenogrampointedtorestructuringwiththeformationof new familyarrangementsthroughtherecompositionof its members in theinternalfamilystructurewith a viewtoimprovingmobilityandaccessibility. The ecomap elucidated the links between extended families and broader systems with clues for adjustments and possibilities for nursing intervention in the scope of primary care. Conclusion: The families adjusted themselves in the face of stressful situation and changes in ordertoeffectcare in the family routine.
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