Obstetric nursing assistance in the promotion of humanized birth in the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrative review
Obstetric Nursing, Humanized birth, COVID-19Abstract
Objective: To identify the actions of the obstetrician nurse in promoting humanized childbirth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This is an integrative review, with a bibliographic survey carried out in April 2022, in the computerized databases of: US National Library of Medicine (PubMed)/Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem Online (MEDLINE) and in the Virtual Library of health. There was inclusion of 10 studies for evaluative synthesis. Results: Both databases had an equivalent percentage of studies (n=5; 50%). Among the nurses' actions, the use of videos, video calls, photos, encouraging the presence of the companion and computerization remained as the strategies that made humanization possible during the time of the pandemic. Conclusion: The evidence showed that humanized childbirth care has sought changes that respect the uniqueness of each parturient and reduce the spread of COVID-19. The need for the parturient to have knowledge about humanization is highlighted.
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