The use of social media in health promotion in time of the COVID-19 pandemic
Covid-19, Social Media, Health PromotionAbstract
Objective- to verify the effectiveness of social media in promoting health in the time of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods- integrative review of literature on the importance of social measures for health promotion during the new Coronavirus pandemic. Forms made to search the VHL portal, the LILACS and MEDLINE databases and the NCBI portal, the PubMed. Results- nine articles were selected, all of which were published in 2020 and in English. Six studies were indexed to the Medline/Pubmed database. The various social media found in the studies (You tube, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, Web, among others), showed a wide reach and influence in health promotion during the pandemic of the new Coronavirus. Conclusion- I conclude that social media play an important and effective role in promoting health during the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. That is mainly seen hair reaching a large number of people presented by them.
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