Instrumentalization of community health agents about the vaccine calendar: Experience report
Health Education, Nursing, Vaccines, Community Health WorkersAbstract
Objective: To report the experience of Health Education to equip and update Community Health Agents about the vaccine schedule. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, of the experience report type, about a health education carried out in a Family Health Strategy, according to the Problematization Methodology. Results: The knowledge gap of Community Health Agents on the vaccine calendar triggered the development of activities and addressed the calendar throughout the life cycle. Thus, there was interaction and interest during the actions, in addition to the preparation of materials for use in the practice of these professionals in the context of vaccines. Conclusion: Instrumentalizing and updating Community Health Agents on the vaccine schedule through health education is capable of increasing opportunities and ensuring the necessary bond for the population to have adherence and confidence in what is proposed.
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