Nurses' role in environmental health surveillance: An integrative literature review
Environmental health, Nursing, SurveillanceAbstract
Objective: To identify the role of nurses in environmental health surveillance in the light of the literature. Method: integrative review carried out in December 2020, in the SCIELO, PUBMED and LILACS databases and in the Virtual Health Library, using the following descriptors: environmental health, nursing and surveillance, twenty-year interval from 2012 to 2022. Result: 362 articles were found and 04 selected, most of which were qualitative. In the evaluation, a complete reading of the articles was carried out, in order to understand the main aspects addressed. In interpreting the results, a comparative reading of the articles followed, and the grouping of themes: nurse's role in environmental surveillance and nurse's role in primary care with a focus on environmental surveillance. Conclusion: Although the searches are carried out without a time frame and the nurse since the training process works on the health and environment binomial, the number of articles published with this theme are few, with a need for more work.
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Silva MM, Ceolin T, Mendieta MC, Piriz MA. Ações de saúde ambiental realizadas por enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Rev. APS. 2019; jul./set.; 22 (3): 495 – 509
Whitte more R, Knafl K. The integrative review: updated methodology. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2005; 52(5): 546-53. DOI: