Medical performance in primary care about assistance with LGBTQIAPN+ people




Medical Assistance, Primary Health Care, Sexual and Gender Minorities


Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature about medical performance in primary care about care with LGBTQIAPN+ people. Method: This is an integrative review. The search for articles was performed; 2002-2022; in the Portuguese, English and Spanish; available in full. On the following data platforms: DOAJ, LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Results: The data were organized and presented in figures and tables. Of the 286 studies found, 0 was available in DOAJ, 8 in LILACS, 227 in MEDLINE, 0 in SciELO, 45 in SCOPUS and 6 in The Web of Science. However, after reading, only those that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria described in the methodology, 5 studies remained. Conclusion: This study made it possible to evidence that most medical professionals are not able to deal with the LGBTQIAPN+ population. Pointing out the need for continuing education to achieve qualified care.

Author Biographies

Josival Inácio de Carvalho Filho

Student of the Medicine Course at the Faculty of Medicine of Olinda (FMO). Olinda, Pernambuco (PE), Brazil.

Breno Rocha Barbosa

Student of the Medicine Course at the Faculty of Medicine of Olinda (FMO). Olinda, Pernambuco (PE), Brazil.

Renata Carvalho Menezes Souza

Student of the Medicine Course at the Faculty of Medicine of Olinda (FMO). Olinda, Pernambuco (PE), Brazil.

Thiago Sales de Queiroga

Student of the Medicine Course at the Faculty of Medicine of Olinda (FMO). Olinda, Pernambuco (PE), Brazil.

André Ferreira da Silva

Student of the Medicine Course at the Faculty of Medicine of Olinda (FMO). Olinda, Pernambuco (PE), Brazil.

Liniker Scolfild Rodrigues da Silva

Master's student at the Postgraduate Program in Hebiatry (PPGH) at the University of Pernambuco (UPE); Sanitary specialist by the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Public Health at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM)/UPE. Recife, Pernambuco (PE), Brazil.


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How to Cite

de Carvalho Filho, J. I., Rocha Barbosa, B., Carvalho Menezes Souza, R., Sales de Queiroga, T., Ferreira da Silva, A., & Scolfild Rodrigues da Silva, L. (2022). Medical performance in primary care about assistance with LGBTQIAPN+ people. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(82), 11930–11945.



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